California Property Cleanup
In support of a property transaction, Farallon conducted a Phase I ESA and a subsequent subsurface investigation at this California property to define the extent of soil contamination resulting from ongoing farm equipment storage and maintenance operations on the site.
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The Phase I ESA identified extensive petroleum staining on the unpaved surface and in the vicinity of a truck wash pad on the property. Farallon sampled and analyzed the extent of petroleum staining observed at locations across the property and evaluated a portion of the site formerly used for drum storage. One or more petroleum products were detected at six discrete areas on the property at concentrations above applicable screening levels.
Farallon developed and implemented a cleanup action to excavate impacted soil and replace it with clean fill. A Farallon Geologist observed the soil excavation work conducted by a local contractor, and collected confirmation samples. Farallon accomplished the scheduled cleanup activity and responded effectively to unanticipated subsurface conditions detected during the cleanup action. Soil contaminated with petroleum from an on-site AST was encountered below the tank pad. Farallon delineated the area of contaminated soil beneath the tank pad, enabling the client to make an informed business decision regarding purchase of the property. Successful completion of the cleanup action fulfilled project objectives, facilitating the property purchase.
Services Utilized
Over the past 20 years we have developed a top-tier team of technical professionals including experts in contaminant fate and transport characterization, modeling, and remediation engineering who have successfully developed and...
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We perform and manage Phase I ESAs and Phase II subsurface investigations for residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial properties throughout the United States and Canada.
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A defensible Phase I ESA is an indispensable element of thorough due diligence. Particularly in light of the All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Final Rule, knowing and fulfilling the criteria for protection from liability can avert...
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We conduct thorough evaluations of subsurface conditions of every property to identify environmental liabilities, including potential contaminants from adjacent properties. We consistently demonstrate proficiency in assessing and...
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We also operate and maintain remediation systems at client sites. Our engineers rely on our extensive experience to monitor and optimize system performance and minimize the time to achieve cleanup goals. Among the remediation systems we...
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