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Scott Maharry


Principal Scientist, Managing Principal
Gig Harbor, Washington

BS Biology

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Scott is an Associate Scientist with expertise in eelgrass and marine biology, wetland and riparian systems, and fisheries and wildlife ecology. He manages large, complex projects in both marine and freshwater environments, often including Endangered Species Act compliance, wetland function analysis, eelgrass impact assessments, and mitigation plans. He is certified in the delineation of wetlands, including wetland rating and mitigation under guidance provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Washington State Department of Ecology. He is a Pierce County Qualified Wetland, Fish, and Wildlife Specialist. As the manager of the company dive team, Scott leads underwater surveys for eelgrass, shellfish, macroalgae, and forage fish spawning activities.


Making public education a focal point of waterfront park redesign

Educating the public about the importance of shoreline habitat restoration is a critical aspect of waterfront redevelopment design, building support for future habitat restoration initiatives.

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