As part of its forward-looking management style and corporate values, Farallon periodically conducts strategic planning to assess the current state of the firm in fundamental areas and to identify opportunities for growth and improvement. Company-wide meetings held in 2011 to kick off the current strategic planning effort resulted in the selection of three primary initiatives:
- Growth to increase service lines and geographic presence
- Defining and establishing The Farallon Way of doing business
- Creating and sustaining an intentional Culture
Among the planned outcomes of these initiatives in 2012 are an employee recognition program, a greener work environment, increased efficiency in technology use, a formalized training and development program, and a client satisfaction survey. Sponsors, team members, and specific goals have been identified for each initiative, and a detailed timeline containing target dates for various milestones in 2012 and beyond has been prepared. Significant progress has already been made on numerous elements of each initiative.
Farallon's company-wide efforts to heighten green-consciousness, for example, included participation in the Point Defiance Zoolights Holiday Lights Recycling Program last December. Employees brought in old strings of holiday lights for recycling, keeping them out of area landfills and raising money for the Zoo's conservation fund. Another holiday green event was a Christmas wrapping paper recycling contest among Farallon employees.
Efforts to reduce paper use in business operations via the issuing of electronic invoices and client reports have proven successful, opening the door to similar actions in other areas. Farallon believes it's the consistent taking of small steps in the seemingly little things that can make a profound impact over the long term.
The formal unveiling of Farallon's Going Greener program, including a new logo, took place in January 2012 with the announcement of monthly green work environment themes for employee participation and friendly competition. Conserving electricity and reducing paper use were two initial focal points. Savings realized from the various Going Greener themes throughout the year will be totaled, and other positive impacts will be evaluated at year-end as Farallon continues its pursuit of a green work environment.
Watch for future Web updates on the different facets of Farallon's strategic planning initiatives.