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Farallon Survey Results Are In

Posted on by w b
Rich McManus discusses a project with a client

As part of its continuous improvement effort, Farallon conducted a Client Satisfaction Survey in November 2012 to obtain client feedback about the service they receive from Farallon. A broad representation of Farallon clients were selected to participate in the independently administered electronic survey. The survey response exceeded expectations for both the rate of response (nearly 60 percent) and the time and effort expended by Farallon clients in providing comments about their experience with the firm.

The most-impressive indication that Farallon is meeting its commitment to provideQuality Service for Environmental Solutions is that 100 percent of responders indicated they were "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with Farallon's technical experience and understanding of client business needs and goals. Almost 97 percent indicated they were "very likely" (80 percent) or "likely" (16.9 percent) to refer Farallon to others.

Also significant is the increase in satisfaction ratings in November 2012 over those tabulated for the Client Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2005. The increase in satisfaction with Farallon's services averaged over 4 percent.

Respondents' replies to specific survey questions are summarized below:

100 percent indicated they were very satisfied (80.6 percent) or satisfied (19.4 percent) with Farallon's technical capabilities

100 percent indicated they were very satisfied (68.7 percent) or satisfied (31.3 percent) with Farallon's understanding of their business needs and goals

98.5 percent indicated they were very satisfied (59.1 percent) or satisfied (39.4 percent) with Farallon's achievement of their business needs and goals

98.5 percent indicated they were very satisfied (71.2 percent) or satisfied (27.3 percent) with the quality of Farallon's written work product

96.9 percent indicated they were very satisfied (27.7 percent) or satisfied (69.2 percent) with Farallon's hourly labor rates

96.9 percent indicated they were very satisfied (31.3 percent) or satisfied (65.6 percent) with Farallon's project costs

97 percent indicated they were very satisfied (57.6 percent) or satisfied (39.4 percent) with Farallon's communication of the scope of work and budget/costs prior to beginning work and throughout the project

98.5 percent indicated they were very satisfied (66.2 percent) or satisfied (32.3 percent) with Farallon's communication of regulatory issues

92.5 percent indicated they were very satisfied (45.5 percent) or satisfied (47 percent) with Farallon's adherence to project schedules and deadlines

96.4 percent indicated they were very satisfied (47.3 percent) or satisfied (49.1 percent) with Farallon's explanation of project changes

The question, "In what area(s) of project work would you like to see Farallon improve" triggered a 35 percent response of "cost," and a 33 percent response of "communication." Farallon is working to address these and other issues as part of the firm's strategic planning process, and will communicate to clients the initiatives designed to improve these areas in the future.

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