Farallon is pleased to introduce three employees who have been welcomed to the firm:

Ms. Jennifer L. Moore joined Farallon’s Environmental Scientists Group as an Associate Scientist. Jen has over 12 years of professional experience in the environmental consulting industry that includes subsurface investigations, remedial actions, permit compliance, hazardous waste characterization and management, visible emissions monitoring, environmental compliance auditing, environmental due diligence, asbestos and lead-based-paint inspections, and safety and environmental training. She also has conducted remedial feasibility testing, including dual-phase extraction, soil vapor extraction, and air sparge pilot testing, and has been involved in remediation system construction, installation, operation and maintenance, and oversight. Jen holds a Master of Science degree in Forestry from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Sciences with a Geospatial Analysis Minor from Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas.

Mr. Andrew Seutter joined Farallon’s Geology/Hydrogeology Group as a Senior Engineering Geologist. Drew has over 21 years of experience that includes subsurface investigation, monitoring, reporting, and site remediation involving soil vapor extraction, groundwater pump and treat, UST removal, soil excavation, and soil stabilization. He has extensive technical and management experience serving as an Engineering and Environmental Geologist at CERCLA and other complex and high profile sites with soil and groundwater affected by chlorinated solvents, metals, acids and bases, PCBs, and pesticides. Drew’s work on subsurface investigations, site assessments, and remediation and construction projects has entailed close interaction with clients, regulators, and the public. Drew earned a Master of Science degree in Geology from San Diego State University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Mr. Jerome Chen joined the firm as a Staff Geologist, also in the Geology/Hydrogeology Group. Jerome is a recent graduate of the University of Washington, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth and Space Sciences with an Environmental concentration. Jerome’s coursework included hydrogeology, groundwater contaminant transport, soil remediation, GIS analysis, and field sampling. He has conducted wide-ranging field work in western Washington and southwestern Montana that involved physical mapping of geologic units, and rock and soil sample collection and analysis. Jerome has extensive experience in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve and with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that includes oil and hazardous material spill response, environmental site assessments, and cleanup actions. He has a strong background in federal environmental regulation compliance, including the Federal Water Pollution Control Act/Clean Water Act, CERCLA, RCRA, and the National Environmental Policy Act, and has served on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Shoreline Cleanup and Natural Resource Damage Assessment teams.
The addition of Jen, Drew, and Jerome to the Farallon team will contribute to the outstanding client service Farallon is recognized for, as the firm continues to expand its geographical areas and the environmental consulting services it provides.