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Remediation System Design and Operation

Remediation System Design & Operation

Our remediation design services extend from project scoping and conceptual planning, pilot testing, to development of detailed construction plans and specifications for an array of technologies for remediation of soil, soil vapor, and groundwater at a wide variety of contaminated sites. By integrating client business goals with environmental solutions, our Engineers consistently deliver innovative and cost-effective remedial alternatives that result in successful cleanups and regulatory closure.

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We also operate and maintain remediation systems at client sites. Our engineers rely on our extensive experience to monitor and optimize system performance and minimize the time to achieve cleanup goals. Among the remediation systems we design, install, and operate are:

  • Air and Ozone sparging;
  • Soil vapor extraction;
  • Groundwater extraction and treatment;
  • Free-product recovery;
  • Groundwater recirculation wells;
  • Groundwater Treatment via Injections (bioremediation and chemical oxidation);
  • Vapor mitigation using subslab depressurization or barrier systems;
  • Cut Off Walls and flow through cells;
  • Containment cells; and
  • Wastewater treatment systems.

Other remediation services include source removal via excavation, soil stabilization and solidification, enhanced bioremediation with bioaugmentation, and chemical oxidation technologies. Third-party oversight services provided to insurance carriers and other stakeholders include remediation system performance audits, and expert testimony for cleanup actions in litigation.


Project Experience

Groundwater Treatment System Design

Groundwater Treatment System Design

Farallon incorporated groundwater circulation wells in the design of an innovative system to treat...

Former Dry Cleaning and Laundry Facility

Former Dry Cleaning and Laundry Facility

Farallon has been managing the complex cleanup of a former family-owned business property in the...

Cleanup at Fertilizer Manufacturer

Cleanup at Fertilizer Manufacturer

Farallon managed the investigation and cleanup of 52,000 cubic yards of soil with concentrations of...

California Property Cleanup

California Property Cleanup

The Phase I ESA identified extensive petroleum staining on the unpaved surface and in the vicinity of...

Alaska Pilot Studies

Alaska Pilot Studies

The treatment systems consisted of small equipment buildings housing pumps, controls, and reagent...

Steel Slag Fill Site Cleanup

Steel Slag Fill Site Cleanup

Farallon is managing the investigation and cleanup of 16,500 cubic yards of secondary steel slag at a...

Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparge

Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparge

Farallon developed the detailed design for a soil vapor extraction/ozone-enhanced air sparge treatment...

Marina And Yacht Facility

Marina And Yacht Facility

Farallon conducted a detailed site characterization and cleanup action at a marina fueling and yacht...


Meet Our Team

Henry_Pietropaoli Henry Pietropaoli Senior Geologist

Henry has over 30 years of experience conducting environmental site investigations, endangerment assessments, contaminant remediation, hazardous waste management, construction, and real estate development...

smiling-farallon-employee-with-short-gray-hair-and-dark-glasses Richard Makdisi Principal Geochemist

Richard is a Principal Geochemist and has more than 36 years experience in hazardous management, geoscience engineering, geochemistry, and geohydrology. Richard has hands-on experience managing regional and site...

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