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Marine Geophysical Surveys

We provide detailed surveys of the seafloor and seabed geology using specialized marine geophysical survey equipment and survey vessels suitable for each site’s water depth and wave conditions.

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Our marine geophysical surveys determine the topography of the seafloor, provide acoustic images of the seabed, and generate high-resolution maps of sub-bottom geological features. Our geophysical surveys identify the horizontal and vertical extent of sediments, the location of buried pipelines, and sub-bottom geologic features.

We conduct geophysical surveys to support archaeological investigations and lake siltation studies, and to locate buried ancient riverbeds (paleo-channels). Our geophysical techniques include single-beam bathymetry, multi-beam and swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar, seismic reflection (also known as sub-bottom profiling), and seismic refraction. We also offer current and tide monitoring, sediment and water sampling, underwater imaging, and magnetometer surveys to locate buried objects containing ferrous metal.

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