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Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Mitigation

When volatile chemical vapors migrate to the indoor air of overlying or adjacent buildings, the condition is called “vapor intrusion.” The associated vapor exposures can result in health and safety risks to the occupants, and liabilities for owners. The science behind vapor intrusion has been evolving rapidly, and we have pioneered innovative technological approaches to investigating and rapidly resolving vapor intrusion challenges.

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Vapor intrusion is rapidly becoming a key issue of concern for owners and prospective buyers of commercial and industrial properties – especially those with historical dry cleaning operations. The effect of changing regulatory standards and increasing enforcement has resulted in increased liabilities associated with this legacy contamination issue. Our due diligence team routinely addresses vapor intrusion issues during time-critical property transactions. When intrusive investigations are required, we can rapidly respond with assessment strategies appropriate to our clients' objectives. While many of our competitors apply limited testing approaches combined with risk modeling to “argue out” of the problem, we have found that vapor intrusion is an issue that can be effectively resolved with rigorous and defendable data that accurately assess exposure conditions. We also maintain that most vapor intrusion sites can be cost-effectively mitigated through engineering controls, or by using active or passive mitigation systems.

Our vapor intrusion expertise includes assessment of all subsurface media, sampling of indoor and outdoor air quality, and use of diagnostic tools such as temporal-spatial (continuous real-time) sampling approaches that reveal patterns that provide more certainty about exposure risk and source identification. We also offer permitting, design, and implementation of mitigation and remediation measures as needed. Where appropriate, we use institutional and engineering controls to resolve vapor intrusion issues.

We actively install:

  • Soil vapor extraction systems
  • Subslab depressurization systems
  • Active ventilation systems
  • Passive ventilation systems
  • HVAC upgrades
  • Vapor barriers
  • Aerated floor systems

We work with regulators, private- and public-sector clients, attorneys, lenders, developers, and insurance carriers to evaluate vapor intrusion conditions, assess sources, and develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders.


Project Experience

vapor intrusion dry cleaning facility

Vapor Intrusion – Dry Cleaner Facility

During the course of a remedial investigation and feasibility study being conducted at this former...

vapor intrusion assessment

Vapor Intrusion Assessment of Industrial and Commercial Facilities

A release of the chlorinated solvent trichloroethene (TCE) was identified at an industrial facility...

volatile organic compound facility audits

Volatile Organic Compound Facility Audits

Farallon regularly provides risk management services to property owners and managers having overall...

creative cleanup at former dry cleaner

Creative Cleanup at Former Dry Cleaner

Farallon was retained by an insurance company representing the previous owner of this former dry...

managing risks in retail center

Managing Risks in Retail Center

Farallon was engaged to address vapor intrusion concerns at a retail facility formerly used by a dry...

TCE Release Triggers Vapor Intrusion Investigations, Mitigation Measures

Trichloroethene Release Triggers Vapor Intrusion Investigations, Mitigation Measures

Urban areas across the United States have long been centers of industry, and often become the focus of...

Protection from Methane Gas Infiltration

Protection from Methane Gas Infiltration

Farallon designed a methane gas mitigation system to protect a large retail warehouse located over...

Manufacturing Plant

Manufacturing Plant

Farallon was contracted for technical support by an insurance carrier covering the investigation and...


Meet Our Team

smiling-farallon-employee-with-goatee-and-blue-collared-shirt Brian Kahl Principal Geologist, Managing Principal

Brian is a California Professional Geologist with more than 30 years of experience in environmental compliance, property due diligence, site assessment, and remediation. He has extensive experience designing and...

Henry_Pietropaoli Henry Pietropaoli Senior Geologist

Henry has over 30 years of experience conducting environmental site investigations, endangerment assessments, contaminant remediation, hazardous waste management, construction, and real estate development...

smiling-farallon-employee-with-short-gray-hair-and-blue-shirt Jeffrey Kaspar Principal Geologist

Jeff’s 28 years of experience allow him to anticipate client and project needs. His emphasis on developing effective working relationships with clients, regulators, vendors, and peers ensures that clients’...

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