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Remedial Investigation

We regularly conduct Remedial Investigations at properties contaminated with myriad hazardous substances. The results lead to concise risk assessments, remedial alternatives analysis, cleanup, and contaminated site closure.

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Our team has successfully completed Remedial Investigations at numerous commercial, industrial, Brownfield, and agricultural properties to characterize the extent and magnitude of contamination to various media. These include impacts to soil, groundwater, surface water, soil gas, sediments, and air quality.

The Remedial Investigation process for each property or facility is the foundation by which we assess human health or ecological risk, develop appropriate remediation goals, and conduct feasibility studies of viable remedial alternatives to achieve site cleanup goals and obtain regulatory closure. Our experts tailor the scope of each Remedial Investigation to the history of the property or facility use, known or potential release mechanisms, and the media of concern to meet our clients’ business goals as well as federal and state regulatory requirements.


Project Experience

Metals-Contaminated Industrial Property

Metals-Contaminated Industrial Property

An Oregon county turned to Farallon to assess the resources remaining at a quarry,

Redevelopment of Two Contaminated City Blocks

Redevelopment of Two Contaminated City Blocks

Farallon performed environmental services, including due diligence, subsurface investigations,...

Oakland Bay Fuel Facility Site

Oakland Bay Fuel Facility Site

The cleanup project was completed under two Agreed Orders between Ecology and the Potentially Liable...

Wood-Treating Facility

Wood-Treating Facility

Farallon provided Expert Opinion, including an Expert Report and Rebuttal Report, for litigation...

Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Audits

Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Audits

Farallon completed a compliance audit and facility upgrade for bulk fuel storage facilities in Alaska...

former automobile dealership

Former Automobile Dealership

Farallon determined that previous remedial activities performed at a former automobile dealership were...

creative cleanup at former dry cleaner

Creative Cleanup at Former Dry Cleaner

Farallon was retained by an insurance company representing the previous owner of this former dry...

pesticide contaminated site

Able Pest Control

Farallon successfully completed the cleanup of a pesticide-contaminated site in a residential area of...


Meet Our Team

Henry_Pietropaoli Henry Pietropaoli Senior Geologist

Henry has over 30 years of experience conducting environmental site investigations, endangerment assessments, contaminant remediation, hazardous waste management, construction, and real estate development...

smiling-farallon-employee-with-short-gray-hair-and-dark-glasses Richard Makdisi Principal Geochemist

Richard is a Principal Geochemist and has more than 36 years experience in hazardous management, geoscience engineering, geochemistry, and geohydrology. Richard has hands-on experience managing regional and site...

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